Get Involved

The TEDxSKZMDC Lahore community is rooted in Lahore, but extends across the globe through our online community and YouTube videos.

Join us at our upcoming event for an immersive and unforgettable experience. 

Apply to Speak

Do you have the next big idea worth spreading? Our speakers are inovators, thought leaders, mavericks, icons and geniuses. If you know someone who belongs on our roster, or if you belong there yourself, we want to hear from you! 


Partners are critical to our future, and will experience tremendous value from the alignment with our brand, the community impact, and the broad exposure that comes through our events and community of leaders and influencers. 


There are lots of ways to be involved with the vibrant TEDxSKZMDC Lahore community to fit your passions and schedule, from helping to organize our events and volunteering on the day-of the event, to sharing your ideas on our channels. 

What can I do to support TEDxSKZMDC Lahore right now?

Thank you so much for your support! Here are a few things you can do to help TEDxSKZMDC:

Share our blogs, social posts, and emails with all your friends!


Nominate a speaker!


When you hear about a big idea in Pakistan – share it with us


Invite friends and family to attend our events and adventures!


Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and twitter! Also, like, comment, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!


Lastly, TEDxSKZMDC Lahore is a nonprofit organization. We depend on sponsors and partner support to continue our mission. Please consider Sponsorship or becoming a partner!